Advanced manufacturing

Factories of the Future are future-oriented manufacturing companies embracing Industry 4.0 opportunities to their full extent. Are you ready for this future? Or can you improve your manufacturing? Do the scan and find out.
The European Commission has launched a project to establish a European Advanced Manufacturing Support Centre to help SMEs assess the possibility of adopting both advanced manufacturing solutions as well as social innovation strategies thereby transforming their organization towards next-generation factories with more competitive, modern and sustainable production.
Seven transformation areas have been developed
- Transformation 1 | Advanced Manufacturing Technologies
- Transformation 2 | Digital Factory
- Transformation 3 | ECO Factory
- Transformation 4 | End-to-End Customer Focussed Engineering
- Transformation 5 | Human Centred Organization
- Transformation 6 | Smart Manufacturing
- Transformation 7 | Value-Chain Oriented Open Factory
These transformations constitute a framework for the analysis of the situation and development of your manufacturing operations. All transformations are equally important.
Is your factory ready for the future?
take the testThis project is performed on behalf of the European Commission’s Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (EASME) under Service Contract GRO-SME-17-C-063.
The European Commission has launched a project to establish a European Advanced Manufacturing Support Centre to help SMEs assess the possibility of adopting both advanced manufacturing solutions as well as social innovation strategies thereby transforming their organization towards next-generation factories with more competitive, modern and sustainable production.
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