About FME

FME is the employers' organization for the technology industry. Our 2,200 members are technostarters, trading companies, medium and small industry (mki) and large industry / multinationals active in the metal, electronics, electrical engineering and plastics sectors. Our members have 220,000 employees. The combined turnover of the FME members is 108 billion and together they export 54 billion. This means that FME members realize one-sixth of what the Netherlands earns in total from exports. FME has partnerships with 30 industry associations and platforms.
Connecting is the basis of our work. As the largest network organization within the technology industry, we build sustainable relationships and connect our member companies to join forces and expand. This allows them to cooperate and learn from each other. We not only connect our member companies with each other, but also governments, schools and other stakeholders who play a role in the technology industry. By connecting, we strengthen the position of the technology industry and each other!
Read our Multi-Year Strategy 2021 - 2023Refresh
Innovation means looking ahead, thinking out-of-the-box and daring to operate. Quite a challenge in a world in which (technological) developments are occurring at lightning speed. Within FME we strive to continuously improve our performance. To this end, we challenge our people to come up with proposals to innovate processes, be open to new ideas and involve colleagues in innovations. By innovating, we keep developing ourselves. This gives us the flexibility that is needed in a world that is constantly changing.
To us, entrepreneurship stands for taking initiative, seeing and exploiting opportunities. For us, entrepreneurship really means taking responsibility and showing ownership until there is a result that matters. Within FME we stimulate and recognize entrepreneurship in all roles that people perform: everyone can be entrepreneurial in his or her own way. Within all the different positions, we jointly promote a culture of initiative and pro-activity. People take the responsibility to continuously strive for an optimal fulfillment of their task.